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AGES 4 to 6

This is a specifically designed and structured children’s Martial Art program for ages 4 to 6 years old.  Each child will be taught life skills which will help prepare them for when they start school/are at School, and in their daily life.

Children age 4 to 6 are the most eager students and are very keen to learn.  They love to be creative and solve problems. and this means that they are perfect students for studying the Martial Arts.


The problem with most Martial Art Schools that try and teach children of this age, is they do so as if the children were older.  They try and teach them complicated moves and drills that require too much of them.  Our age 4 to 6 Program is designed to teach children simple yet effective Martial Art techniques such as blocks, kicks and strikes that will help them to improve their strength, balance, coordination and control.  More importantly for the children (and parents) is we work on improving their concentration and listening skills and their self discipline.


We will also help your child to exercise and strengthen their bodies in a fun and exciting environment and learn some very important stranger danger and self defence tactics and techniques.


Our age 4 to 6 Program is seen as an introduction to our ‘main’ Martial Art programs which start from around 7 years old upwards.  With this in mind, we do not want to confuse your child with difficult drills and combinations to learn and practice.  This will only make your child feel it is too difficult, will knock their confidence and will ultimately end in them quitting!


Our aim is for your child to learn the simple techniques for each belt colour and to memorise what to do should they be faced with a difficult situation.

We use a belt system as a way of helping your child to set goals and earn a reward for their achievements.  We also have a life skill to work on alongside each belt. The belt colours and life skills are as follows:

















A grading/assessment will take place at intervals throughout the year for any children who are ready to progress to the next colour.

Here is some more detail about the Program:


Intellectual Development


Typically, it is difficult for a child age 4 to 6 to retain more than three instructions.  Sometimes, it is hard for them to distinguish between right and left.  At first, it is expected to be confused by a request to do several things all at once.


Our program sets each child a target of remembering at least three instructions at one time, and preferably more.  In addition, they will be helped to carry out various exercises involving right and left instructions.


Physical Development


In most cases, children age 4 to 6 are likely to fall over when they are engaged in a continuous movement such as running, because their muscle control is not well developed yet.  In addition, although the abdomen, core, legs and arms have the potential to be developed, their strength is still insufficient.  At first, they are expected to have difficulty in repeating any more than five kicks in a row.  It is also likely that they will not have good technique in their exercises yet.


Social Development


Children enjoy playing together, but competitiveness is normal for them.  If they are taking part in competitions, they are likely to exhibit good sportsmanship at first.


Our program establishes the rules for working well as part of a team.  These include not cheating, not losing their temper in a losing situation and not boasting in a winning situation either!


Emotional Development


Things that make them happy are the typical focus of children’s attention, while excitement is something they find difficult to control.  If they are unhappy, we would expect them to be distracted and to avoid communication.  If they become too excited, they are expected to have difficulty in controlling themselves.


Our  program aims to give them whatever help they need to focus their attention, even if they find it difficult.  They will also be given help to maintain control over their bodies and their strength, particularly if they become excited.

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